GOLDEN Makes Change to Twist Top Caps
July 13, 2007
Hey, my GOLDEN Mediums don't squirt out!
Golden Artist Colors, Inc., in our continuous effort to make improvements to our products while ensuring customer satisfaction, has changed the twist top closure for our Airbrush Colors and many of the Mediums to include a new solid seal liner inside the cap.
We've heard from our retail partners that sometimes our products arrive at their store and there has been leakage in the box during transportation. The leak from one bottle can discolor, or otherwise ruin all the other products in the box, making them unavailable for sale and needing to be replaced. This means extra expense in shipping costs, and more importantly, the potential for artists to run into "out of stock" situations at the store. The product line with the highest percentage of transportation induced leakage has been our Airbrush Colors, due primarily to the very thin, liquid nature of these colors.
After several months of rigorous testing with a full range of different types of twist top caps and cap/seal combinations, we have committed to moving forward with a twist top that has a very similar look to our old style, but includes a seal liner over the opening of the bottle under the cap. Based on test results, the number of containers that leaked was reduced 89%, making us confident this was the right change to make.
So, while the new top means that artists will first need to remove the inner seal before using a new bottle of a Medium or Airbrush Color, the benefits are clear: virtually no leakage during transit means a superior product delivered to the hands of the artist.
This change will be initiated during the month of July here at GOLDEN, however it may be some months before artists encounter the change in a product bought at an art supply store. So if some day down the road you untwist the top of a new Medium or Airbrush Color and nothing squirts out, please take the top off of the bottle and check for the new seal liner that will need to be removed.
This change affects all GOLDEN Airbrush colors, Additives and Mediums that use a black twist top cap, such as the line of GAC 100-900 products, Acrylic Glazing Liquid, and Airbrush Medium.
If you have any questions on these, or other GOLDEN products, please contact GOLDEN Tech Support by emailing [email protected], or calling 1-800-959-6543 or 607-847-6154.