Video Library

Brand / Medium

Fabric Painting and GAC 900

How to use GOLDEN's GAC 900 for greater control in fabric painting. For more information about using Golden products for fabric applications, be su...

Encaustic Effects with GOLDEN Acrylics

Explore and work with GOLDEN products to create encaustic effects. For more information, be sure to visit our website:

Creating a 'Dry Monotype'

A new and exciting way to create a monotype, or monoprint, by transferring an acrylic gel skin (dry paint peeled off a surface) to paper. Make sure...

Collage: GOLDEN Gels and Mediums as an Adhesive

Golden Acrylic Gels and Mediums work exceptionally well as an adhesive for paper in the creation of collages. The range of gels provides options fo...

Applying Paper to BoardAdhering Watercolor Paper to Panel Using GOLDEN Soft Gel

How to permanently adhere watercolor paper to panel using GOLDEN Soft Gel. A useful technique for mounting a wide variety of papers to panels prior...

Tips for a Successful Immediate Image Transfer

This short demonstration offers tips for creating a successful immediate image transfer, including transfers to canvas and highly textured surfaces...

Spraying Acrylic Paints

Thinning acrylic paint for spraying through and airbrush or other spray painting systems is a common practice, but what is the best way to thin acr...

Creating a Smooth Surface Using Molding Paste

How to use GOLDEN Molding Paste to create a smooth painting surface For more information please go to our website Preparing Painting Supports http:...

Clear Gel Mediums Overview

Patti Brady discusses the attributes of the translucent gel mediums and the properties and uses that differentiate them. For more information, plea...

QoR Watercolor Ground

A fluid acrylic primer that creates a porous surface similar to hot press paper on many different materials, including canvas and panel, Watercolor...

QoR Cold Press Ground

Cold Press Ground creates an absorbent, cool white surface with the appearance of rough handmade paper. A smoother finish can also be achieved by s...

QoR Light Dimensional Ground

A white, lightweight paste that spreads like frosting, Light Dimensional Ground can be applied smooth and thinly, or built up to create ridges, pea...

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