Scholarly Articles
Brand / Medium
Williamsburg Wax Medium
Wax Medium is a carefully melted and blended combination of linseed oil, bleached beeswax and dammar crystals.
Williamsburg’s Safflower Colors
Safflower allows certain colors to hold onto a luminosity that would otherwise be lost. Learn more about it and the safflower colors we offer.
Painting on Location with QoR Modern Watercolors
When painting with watercolors outside, there are a few things you definitely need, and others that can ease your way...
Using QoR Masking Fluid with Watercolor
Masking Fluid resists watercolor paints, allowing artists to preserve fine details and lines of paper that might be otherwise difficult to paint aro...
The QoR mini Half Pan Travel Set and Color Mixing
An easy solution for taking watercolors on plein air painting adventures.
Varnishing Watercolors: Creating the Least Change
To push the boundaries of watercolors, work larger, or eliminate glass, varnish is a valuable option.
Natural Vs. Synthetic QoR Earth Colors
The description “earth pigment” originally indicated a natural material mined from the earth, but natural pigments also have synthetic siblings that g...
Using QoR Additives
Synthetic Ox Gall is a wetting agent to change how diluted watercolor moves over or absorbs into surfaces. Lift Aid is a transparent fluid which when ...
QoR Iridescent and Interference Watercolors
QoR Interference and Iridescent paints reflect and refract light, causing different colors and effects.
Zinc Oxide: FAQ
Issues with zinc oxide, specifically the tendency to form brittle films and increased risk of cracking, have been well-known since the pigment was int...
Layering and Mixing with Iridescent and Interference Acrylic Paints
As with any new technique, some experimentation and playing might be needed when learning how to use iridescent and interference paints, as they do no...
SoFlat is So Flat!
SoFlat was created in direct response to the artists we speak with every day to fulfill the desire for a matte, leveling and opaque paint. Flat in she...
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