Scholarly Articles

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Try our NEW acrylic paint mixer

Our revamped mixer allows creation of personal palettes to limit the paints which that can be included in mix receipes. Find mixes for colors with onl...

Fabric Painting with Acrylics and GAC 900

Fabric painting on wearable garments is not a difficult process. Find mixing recipes, application techniques, heat-setting methods, and laundering ins...

Rheology: Understanding the Feel of Acrylics

This article on Rheology will elaborate on the “feel” of acrylics and how that affects our painting.

Double Primary Approach to a QoR Color Wheel

A six-color palette and demonstration of the mixing potential when organized around an artist’s color wheel.

Nothing is Black and White with Payne’s Gray

"The color of English rain” is the simple characterization of Payne's Gray that delineates the essence of this color.

Monoprinting with OPEN Acrylics

Printmaking using OPEN Acrylics as the primary printing ink, and experimenting with High Flow and QoR Watercolors.

Rabbit Skin Glue – Pros & Cons

Animal glues have a long tradition in the preparation of oil painting supports as sizes and in traditional gesso grounds

Alternative Color Mixes for Discontinued Quinacridones

How to mix colors to match discontinued Quinacridone Crimson, Quin/Nickel Azo Gold, and Quin Burnt Orange colors.

Filling Half Pans with QoR Watercolor

Due to QoR’s modern formula, the dry tube paint will re-wet easily and provide the intense saturation expected of QoR.

How Do I "Seal" It?

We discuss some commonly asked questions about sealing surfaces and ways that acrylics can protect or alter surfaces.

A Slow-Drying Additive for Acrylic Painting

Learn how adding Retarder into acrylic paint increases the amount of painting time, improving blending, shading and more

Super Textural Painting with Acrylic

We explore a variety of ways to create highly textured surfaces using acrylic paints, mediums and collage.

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