Williamsburg French Earth Set

Item: 6008410 (Series: 0)

Our French Earth Colors provide even more depth to our offerings of natural earths coming from regions with historical importance. Natural earths provide a type of texture, physical presence and subtlety of color that synthetic iron oxides simply cannot provide. This set of ten 37ml tubes includes:

  •  French Terre Verte 
  •  French Yellow Ochre Deep 
  •  French Raw Sienna 
  •  French Ochre Havane 
  •  French Brown Ochre 
  •  French Burnt Umber 
  •  French Light Sienna 
  •  French Ardoise Grey 
  •  French Raw Umber 
  •  French Rouge Indien

(Item #6008410-0)


Available Sizes

Oil Set6008410-0877463008856