Blending Clear Tar Gel with GOLDEN Acrylic Paint could also be dripped and drizzled over painting surfaces.
GOLDEN Clear Tar Gel is a 100% acrylic polymer dispersion colorless gel with an extremely resinous, syrupy, stringy, and tar-like consistency. It is a unique product with a long rheology; conceivably it could be poured from a three-story building as one long strand!
Clear Tar Gel can be used to generate fine detailed lines by "dripping" it over painting surfaces. It can be blended with all GOLDEN Acrylic paints, offering a full range of colors with which to work.
Creating a Tar-like Consistency
The specific "feel" and consistency of Clear Tar Gel is created by the type of thickener used during the manufacturing process. This thickener gives the gel a long rheology, similar to the consistency of honey, which allows for better leveling and less brush-strokes.
Blending with GOLDEN Fluid Acrylics (10% Fluid additions or less) works well to create colors that maintain the gel's tar-like consistency.
Use as a Medium
Mix any quantity of Gel with GOLDEN Heavy Body, Matte, Fluid, Matte Fluids or High Load Acrylic colors. Clear Tar Gel also blends easily with other GOLDEN Gels or Mediums. To thin, add water or GOLDEN Mediums. Note: Larger additions of acrylic paints and mediums will increasingly lower the stringy nature of Clear Tar Gel.
Fine lines can be laid onto a surface by simply dipping a palette knife or other tool into the Tar Gel/Paint mixture, then moving it quickly over the working surface. The line thickness can be controlled by the size of the tool and the speed with which it is moved.
Note: dilutions beyond the 2:1 mixture ( Tar Gel to Water) will increase the haziness of the dried film as the binder is further extended. If a more dilute mixture is needed, we recommend testing before application to a painting surface.
Use as a Leveling Promoter:
GOLDEN Clear Tar Gel is also useful to increase an acrylic paint, gel or medium"s leveling ability. Start with additions of 5% to another acrylic product and increase as needed to achieve the desired consistency. Adding water to the Clear Tar Gel may be necessary in order to allow some mixtures to level before drying.
In thicker layers and pours, crazes can develop in the surface during drying. If wanting to minimize this risk, keep fluid applications under 1/8in thickness and completely level throughout the drying process. Refrain from using damming devices with pours, as this can encourage crazing.
Allow Mixtures to Release Foam
It is nearly impossible to avoid creating foam bubbles when mixing paints. Blends should be allowed to sit long enough for foam to rise to the surface. The length of time necessary for this process depends upon the thickness of a mixture. Generally, mixtures with Clear Tar Gel should sit for at least 24 hours to become bubble-free.
General Mixing Information
Do not mix with oils. Paint on any non-oily surface. Abrade non-absorbent surfaces for increased adhesion. GOLDEN Acrylics dry quickly and may be painted over immediately, yet complete drying will take longer. Avoid freezing. The minimum film formation temperature is 48°F/9°C. Clean tools with soap and water.
The above information is based on research and testing done by Golden Artist Colors, Inc., and is provided as a basis for understanding the potential uses of the products mentioned. Due to the numerous variables in methods, materials and conditions of producing art, Golden Artist Colors, Inc. cannot be sure the product will be right for you. Therefore, we urge product users to test each application to ensure all individual project requirements are met. While we believe the above information is accurate, WE MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, and we shall in no event be liable for any damages (indirect, consequential, or otherwise) that may occur as a result of a product application.