Working Time refers to the amount of time an artist has to work with a particular paint or medium before it dries or becomes unworkable.
The working time can be influenced by various factors such as temperature, humidity, film thickness, and sunlight exposure. To maximize working time, artists can use techniques like applying a layer of glazing liquid, misting the surface with water, keeping paints and tools cool and wet, and working in a cool, rainy, high-humidity climate (Source: Unspecified).
Additionally, the type of paint used can also impact working time. For example, Golden's OPEN Acrylics are designed to have a longer working time compared to traditional acrylics, but the actual working time can still vary depending on the specific conditions (Source: The Effect of Substrate on the Working Time of OPEN).
It's worth noting that Golden Artist Colors provides tips and guidelines on how to extend the working time of their products, allowing artists to have more flexibility and control over their creative process (Source: Unspecified).
Overall, understanding and managing working time is crucial for artists to achieve their desired effects and complete their work effectively.