GOLDEN Invites Employees' Families to Facility for Kids Day
October 12, 2004
Yesterday Golden Artist Colors, Inc. invited employees' families to the new facility to spend a day learning about what their mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt or uncle do all day long as they produce, market and sell GOLDEN Acrylic paint for artists all over the world. The children began their day with a welcome from CEO Mark Golden, at which he spoke about the day's events and the efforts of all the employees that have contributed to the company's reputation as the world's premier artist paint company. The morning session included a presentation by the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Committee sharing the values of ownership and a video presentation by Industrial Hygienist, Phil Ghiorse, to reinforce the company's efforts in maintaining a safe workplace.
In addition to spending time painting and being creative, many educational activities were held throughout the day and included sessions in several departments, including Research and Development, Production, Filling, Shipping, and Marketing. During these sessions children learned how paint is made, how it gets packaged and shipped and how the product gets communicated to artists. Approximately 90 family members attended the event. In addition to departmental sessions, there was time just for fun to enjoy each other's company.
"Kid's Day is a way for employees to share what they do at GOLDEN with their families," said Mark Golden. "This is a wonderful opportunity for families to learn together and try to break down the mystery for our children of the special things we do here."
Lunch was provided under a tent outside and at the end of the day everyone was invited to gather for entertainment and a visit by the ice cream truck from Norwich to end the fun-filled Columbus Day in Columbus!