Varnishes & Top Coats

Waterborne Varnish

Item: 7711 (Series: E)

Product Images

Waterborne Varnish - 8 oz Silgan Wide - 08-oz

Product Description

A water-based acrylic polymer varnish with Ultra Violet Light Stabilizers [UVLS]. Waterborne Varnish protects interior acrylic paintings from dust and ultraviolet light. It can be thinned and cleaned up with water, eliminating the need for harsh solvents, and can be removed with household ammonia to facilitate cleaning and conservation.

Detailed product information: Waterborne Varnish Product Information Sheet


Available Sizes

4 oz cylinder0007711-4738797771147
8 oz Silgan Wide0007711-5738797771154
16 oz Silgan Wide0007711-6738797771161
32 oz Silgan Wide0007711-7738797771178
128 oz jug0007711-8738797771185