Fluid Mediums

High Flow Medium

Item: 3537 (Series: C)

Product Images

High Flow Medium - 1 oz cylinder - 01-oz

Product Description

High Flow Medium [formerly Airbrush Transparent Extender] in­creases the transparency and film hardness of High Flow Acrylics. May be mixed in any ratio desired, for precise control of transparency.   
 (Item # 3537)  For more information about GOLDEN High Flow Medium, see the Product Information & Application Page.

Available Sizes

1 oz cylinder0003537-1738797353718
4 oz cylinder0003537-4738797353749
8 oz cylinder0003537-5738797353756
16 oz cylinder0003537-6738797353763
32 oz Silgan Wide0003537-7738797353770
128 oz jug0003537-8738797353787