  • 3050 - Heavy Gel Gloss (Series: C)
  • 3060 - Heavy Gel Matte (Series: C)
  • 3070 - Heavy Gel Semi-Gloss (Series: C)

Product Images

Heavy Gel - default

Product Description

 Gloss Heavy GelMatte Heavy GelSemi Gloss Heavy Gel

Heavy Gel (L-R: Gloss, Matte, Semi-Gloss) are thicker than Heavy Body Acrylic Colors and may be blended with colors to increase body. Excellent for holding peaks. (Item # Gloss - 3050, Matte - 3060, Semi-Gloss - 3070)

Technical Detail

Opacity / Transparency


Gloss Average


Viscosity Range

100 - 2500 CPS
Explanation of technical specifications

Available Sizes

Heavy Gel Gloss
8 oz jar0003050-5738797305052
16 oz jar0003050-6738797305069
32 oz jar0003050-7738797305076
128 oz HDPE white pail0003050-8738797305083
Heavy Gel Matte
8 oz jar0003060-5738797306059
16 oz jar0003060-6738797306066
32 oz jar0003060-7738797306073
128 oz HDPE white pail0003060-8738797306080
Heavy Gel Semi-Gloss
8 oz jar0003070-5738797307056
16 oz jar0003070-6738797307063
32 oz jar0003070-7738797307070
128 oz HDPE white pail0003070-8738797307087