Heavy Body Acrylics

Van Dyke Brown Hue

Item: 1462 (Series: 3)

Product Images

Heavy Body Acrylic Color - Van Dyke Brown Hue - tint-glaze

Product Description

Van Dyke Brown dates back to the 17th century from the Cologne and Kassel regions of Germany, GOLDEN has captured its rich peat undertone by using Transparent Red Iron Oxide and adding just enough Carbon Black to create a clean sepia tone. (Series 3)

Technical Detail

Opacity / Transparency


Lightfastness rating


Munsell Notation Listing

Hue:5 G Value:2 Chroma:0.7

Gloss Average


Viscosity Range

14000-20000 CPS

CIE L*a*b* Values

L*27.04 a*0.34 b*-0.04

Tint Strength

Explanation of technical specifications

Pigment Detail

CI name (number)Common nameClassificationChemical Description
PR101 (77491 )Synthetic Iron OxideSynthetic Inorganic
PBk7 (77266)Lamp blackNearly Pure Amorphous CarbonNatural Inorganic

Available Lines

Available Sizes

2 oz tube0001462-2738797146228
5 oz tube0001462-3738797146235
4 oz jar0001462-4738797146242
8 oz jar0001462-5738797146259
16 oz jar0001462-6738797146266
32 oz jar0001462-7738797146273
128 oz HDPE white pail0001462-8738797146280