Courbet Green

Item: 6001323 (Series: 3)

A deep bluish yet earthy green similar to Indigo but green instead of blue. Very sensitive in mixing. A small amount of yellow throws this color into an entirely different key.

Technical Detail

Opacity / Transparency


Lightfastness rating


Drying Time

Fast (1-2 days)


Very Fine
Very Fine
Explanation of technical specifications

Pigment Detail

CI name (number)Common nameClassificationChemical Description
PR102 (77491)Burnt SiennaCalcined Natural Iron OxideNatural Inorganic
PY65 (11740)Hansa Yellow RNArylide YellowSynthetic Organic
PB27 (77510)Prussian BlueFerriammonium FerrocyanideSynthetic Inorganic

Available Sizes

150 ml tube6001323-3877463002403
8 oz can6001323-5877463005848
16 oz can6001323-6877463005855
32 oz can6001323-7877463005862
128 oz can6001323-8738797962491
37 ml tube6001323-9877463000409
Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors - Courbet Green - 37 ml tube - 037-ml-tubes
Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors - Courbet Green - handpainted-cards
Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors - Courbet Green - swatch-lg
Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors - Courbet Green - 37 ml tube - 037-ml-tubes
Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors - Courbet Green - handpainted-cards