Artist Oil Colors

Cinnabar Green Light

Item: 6001153 (Series: 3)

Product Images

Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors - Cinnabar Green Light - handpainted-cards

Product Description

A very high-keyed, light-yellowish green. Strong and powerful but does not become fluorescent.

Technical Detail

Opacity / Transparency


Lightfastness rating

Very Good
Very Good

Drying Time

Medium (2-7 days)


Very Fine
Very Fine
Explanation of technical specifications

Pigment Detail

CI name (number)Common nameClassificationChemical Description
PY3 (11710)Hansa Yellow LightArylide Yellow 10GSynthetic Organic
PW6 (77891)Titanium WhiteTitanium Dioxide RutileSynthetic Inorganic
PB29 (77007)Ultramarine BluePolysulfide of Sodium AluminosilicateSynthetic Inorganic
PB15:3 (74160)Phthalo Blue Green ShadeCopper PhthalocyanineSynthetic Organic

Available Sizes

150 ml tube6001153-3877463002281
8 oz can6001153-5877463005626
16 oz can6001153-6877463005633
32 oz can6001153-7877463005640
128 oz can6001153-8738797962392
37 ml tube6001153-9877463000287