OPEN Landscape Set

Item: 0977 (Series: 0)

NEW!  An excellent outdoor palette that allows artists to produce the wide variety of hues, shades and tints encounted in nature. Since OPEN Acrylics remain wet far longer than other acrylics, they resist skinning on the palette during long painting sessions in the studio and outdoors. Set contains seven 3/4 fl. oz. / 22 ml Tubes, One 2 fl. oz. / 59 ml Titanium White, One 1 fl. oz. / 30 ml OPEN Thinner.

Includes: Cadmium Yellow Primrose, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Ultramarine Blue, Manganese Blue Hue, and Sap Green Hue, Titanium White and OPEN Thinner.

Available Sizes

OPEN Landscape Set - default
OPEN Landscape Set - default
OPEN Landscape Set - default
OPEN Landscape Set - default
OPEN Landscape Set - default
OPEN Landscape Set - default
OPEN Landscape Set - default