Transcending and Expanding the Boundaries of Acrylic Paint GOLDEN OPEN Acrylics Put New Control Into Artists' Hands

May 01, 2008

With the introduction of the new OPEN Acrylics product line, Golden Artist Colors, Inc. again expands the boundaries of acrylics. With OPEN Acrylics, GOLDEN can now deliver on the promise to give artists true control over the drying time of their paint. The uniquely relaxed working characteristics and remarkable ability to remain wet on the palette for extended painting sessions give OPEN Acrylics a tremendous versatility, allowing artists a wider range of techniques to explore, including portraiture, plein air painting and various other applications.

"As a company, we have worked diligently in pursuing research and collaboration within the museum and industrial sciences to demonstrate that acrylics are in fact, the most versatile and permanent materials available to working artists," said GOLDEN CEO, Mark Golden. "With the introduction of OPEN Acrylics, I believe we have extended that range now to the most complete system for any artist working in paint."

While this product is an acrylic paint, it really feels like no other paint. The distinctive performance features of OPEN Acrylics are built into the product. Without the need to modify their paints with an extensive array of retarders, mediums and additives, or to race to finish their work before the paint dries, artists are brought closer to their work. If an artist does desire to modify opacity or speed up drying time, OPEN Acrylics are designed to be a seamless extension of the existing GOLDEN line of acrylics and mediums and may be blended with them to achieve the desired result.  In addition, the OPEN line is supported by just two mediums and one additive, which are designed to be very intuitive for the artist to grasp.

OPEN Acrylics represent a significant advancement to the most comprehensive suite of professional acrylics available. OPEN Acrylics will inspire experimentation, innovative applications and unique possibilities for artists already familiar with what acrylics can do for their work and generate interest from artists just starting to explore this type of medium.

OPEN Acrylics are available in 2 oz. tubes, 4 oz. and 8 oz. jars in a range of 40 colors that represent a refined balance of modern and traditional color space. Ancillary products include OPEN Acrylic Gel (Gloss), OPEN Acrylic Medium (Gloss), and OPEN Thinner. Artists can visit for more information about these products and can expect to find them in local retail stores starting July 2008.

Transcending and Expanding the Boundaries of Acrylic Paint GOLDEN OPEN Acrylics Put New Control Into Artists' Hands