Mark Golden to Receive Center for Arts Education (CAE) 'Champion of Arts' Education Award
April 26, 2019
We're incredibly excited to share that on April 29, 2019, Mark Golden will receive the Center for Arts Education (CAE) Champion of Arts Education Award. This year's Gala, CAE Celebration 2019, will take place at the Yale Club in NYC on Monday, Apri 29.
Every year at the organization's Spring gala, the award is presented to a visionary in the field. Mark is being recognized with this honor for his "...enlightened philanthropy and its significant impact on the lives and work of countless artists...."
Jill E. Braufman, Chair, Board of Directors at CAE shared, "As CEO and Co-Founder of Golden Paints, you have ensured that artists can work with the highest quality materials and create lasting works of beauty and creativity. Furthermore, your ethos of responsible corporate citizenship and your family's extraordinary philanthropy in the arts have made you a deeply repsected leader in the arts world."
CAE was established in 1996 by the Annenberg Foundation as a trusted re-granting organization created to counteract the drastic budget cuts to school arts funding in those days. Now funded by a mix of public and private donations, CAE has developed its own highly regarded programs and projects dedicated to ensuring that all NYC public school students receive quality arts instruction as part of their pre-K - 12 education. You can learn more about the organization and this year's Gala at