Improved Seal for Products with Twist-Open Caps
January 18, 2016
We have started the transition to a new heat induction seal on all products supplied in bottles with twist-open caps. This new seal will provide greater protection against product leakage during transportation and storage. It will also peel off easier than the old seal once you're ready to use the product.
It's going to take some time before you start to see this improvement in stores. While some products/sizes will be shipping from GOLDEN with the new seals this month, there are several product lines that are affected by this change and therefore, some containers will receive the new seals at a later time. Here is a list of products affected by the seal change:
- High Flow, all sizes
- Matte Fluid Acrylics, all sizes
- Airbrush Medium 4oz./8oz./16oz.
- Airbrush Trans. Extender 1oz./4oz./16oz.
- Silverpoint / Drawing Ground 8oz.
- Retarder 4oz./8oz./16oz.
- Acrylic Flow Release 4oz./8oz.
- OPEN Thinner, all sizes
- OPEN Medium (Gloss, Matte) 4oz./8oz./16oz.
- GAC 100 8oz./16oz.
- GAC 200 8oz./16oz.
- GAC 400 8oz./16oz.
- GAC 500 8oz./16oz.
- GAC 800 8oz./16oz.
- GAC 900 8oz./16oz.
- Polymer Varnish (Gloss, Satin, Matte) 4oz.
- Stop Out Varnish 8oz./16oz.
- Liquid Preservative 8oz.
Please contact GOLDEN Customer Service with any questions you may have at 1-607-847-6154.