GOLDEN Hosts Book Signing for Local Green House Project

December 19, 2007

Dr. William Thomas of Eden Alternative Signs Third Book, "What Are Old People For? How Elders Will Save the World"

and Speaks About Vision for Creating New Homes for Elderly

Green House Project

Golden Artist Colors, Inc. recently hosted a book-signing event in support of the local Green House Project - an initiative to build new homes for the elderly - created by Dr. William Thomas of the Eden Alternative. The project, which is slated for the site of the current Chase Nursing Home in New Berlin is only one of three sites in all of New York State slotted for these eight new homes This worldwide movement to fight against the plagues of loneliness, helplessness and boredom that so afflicts current elder nursing institutions is focused on creating a more home-like atmosphere, giving residents more privacy and more control over their lives.

"We were delighted to open our facility to these folks for such an important cause,"said GOLDEN CEO and Chase Nursing Home Fundraising Campaign Committee member, Mark Golden. "We are a company committed to supporting our community and so being able to support those who are passionate about creating a positive future for our elders and us, made complete sense."

"I believe that in [nursing homes] in America, really every year, thousands and thousands of people die of a broken heart," Thomas said. "They die not so much because their organs fail, but because their grip on life has failed. At the center of the Green House is quality of life - meaning worth and dignity. At the Green House, we put those things at the center of life."

The Chase Nursing Home Fundraising Campaign Committee has currently raised over one million dollars for this effort and is now moving toward a more public outreach for additional financial support. Catering for the evening was donated by the New York Pizzeria in New Berlin.

To learn more about Eden Alternative and Dr. Thomas' work go to