GOLDEN Hand-painted Displays Coming Soon to an Art Materials Dealer Near You
April 19, 2007
The success of Golden Artist Colors, Inc. beyond its unique ability to work directly with artists has been in some measure spurred on by its attention to hand-done visual displays. This started with the Company's signature swatch on its jars, bottles and tubes and its handmade colorcharts. GOLDEN recognized the value of supplying hand-done banners, which included actual dried samples of its many Gel Mediums. Since then, the Company has also generated a whole range of dried samples for product shelving units in retail locations. Having the samples right there with the appropriate product makes it easier for artists to select the right medium for their work, a process that can still be daunting.
The soon-to-be released, hand-crafted Point of Purchase materials (POPs) will provide artists even greater insight into the specific attributes of its many products. It reinforces that GOLDEN is more than just another brand of acrylics, it is an entire system of acrylic paints and mediums that work together and combine with one another in an infinite number of ways.
These POP materials are not prescriptive or how-to's. They are designed to engage artists in order to spark their imagination and creativity, keeping artistic alchemy alive and well.
"We're very excited about the opportunity to launch these new hand-painted materials," said Corporate Marketing Director, Howard Thaller. "It's one more way for us to connect with the creative artist - really show them how our product performs, but to also make sure we are creating vehicles so that artists can make the most informed decision possible about the materials they need to express their own point of view and vision." Thaller continued, "Over time we will be revamping many of the retail displays to allow for much easier understanding and access to the wide array of products we offer."
Customers will begin to see the hand-painted product banners and several other new tools in their local fine art retail store later this summer, helping them navigate the comprehensive range of products from GOLDEN.