Golden Foundation Silent Art Auction Benefit is a Tremendous Success
October 17, 2007
Event Celebrates 10 Years, Honors Foundation Director's Retirement & Raises Thousands for Endowment
On Saturday, October 6, 2007, the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts held its second Silent Art Auction Benefit at Golden Artist Colors, Inc. in New Berlin, N.Y. The auction featured artwork from more than 135 of some of the most acclaimed artists of our time, raising $65,000 in proceeds to benefit the Golden Foundation Endowment. The evening was also dedicated to celebrating the Foundation's first 10 years and the retirement of its Director and longtime supporter of the arts, Lucy Tower Funke.
"We are thrilled with the outcome of the event," said Mark Golden, Golden Foundation President and CEO of Golden Artist Colors, Inc. "The support we received from the artist community throughout the last year in order to make this event possible has been incredible. It is a true testament to the relationships we've established over the years with each and every artist who's walked through our doors, sent us an e-mail or given us a call on the phone."
During the event, retired Foundation Director, Lucy Tower Funke, recounted her involvement in the organization and its importance within the arts community. "As the Golden Foundation charters a new course, I am honored to have been part of the long history of Sam and Adele and the Golden family," said Funke. "The Golden Foundation has been blessed with the generous support of the artists who have donated significant works of art to benefit the endowment. Their gifts have helped strengthen the Golden Foundation's purpose to become a meaningful resource for visual artists. Their personal investment has helped to assure that the vision to establish an artist residency program will soon be more than a dream."
All of the donated artwork remains listed on the Golden Foundation Web site: View it by selecting the "Benefit Art Auction Gallery" tab at the bottom. Those pieces that have been sold are duly noted. Please contact Barbara Golden at 607-847-8158 if you have any questions about the remaining artwork.
Participating Artists:
Stephen Achimore - Giuseppe Albi - Valerie Allen - Dorothy Arnold - Lucy Baker - Walter Darby Bannard - Curt Barnes - Jackie Battenfield - Scott Bennett - Stephanie Bernheim - Garry Berteig - George Bethea - Randy Bloom - Patti Brady - Mary Alice Braukman - Al Bremmer - Lamar Briggs - Dianne Bugash - Heather Buggee - Kit Parker Cali - Anthony Caro - Judah Catalan - Edward Chaplin - Dale Chihuly - Theresa Chong - Sonia Chusit - Davis Cone - Christine Cozen - Cris Cristafaro - Sean J. Crosby - Bonnie Cutts - Jamie Dalglish - Tennant Glenn Davitian - Tony DeBlasi - Nina Deckert - Paula DeLuccia - Sandra DeVisser - Vera Donefer - Henry Drexler - Ray Dunlap - James Dwyer - Joey Fauerso - Louis Ferstadt - Stephen Flanagan - Adriana Gallego - Kyle Gallup - Phil Garrett - Lily Geltman - Jonas Gerard - Sam Gilliam - Steven Ginsburg - Judy Gittelsohn - Carl Gliko - John Griefen - Rainer Gross - Jamie Williams Grossman - Richard Harden - Edward Hettig - Dianne Hodack - George Hofmann - Joan Holben - Darryl Hughto - Bob Huot - Frank Hyder - Barbara Jackson - Herb Jackson - Ulysses Jackson - Catherine Kehoe - Michael Kessler - Carol Kinne - Roy Kinzer - Michael Knigin - Eydi Lampasona - Ronnie Landfield - Ellen Lanyon - James Lecce - Roy Lerner - Corrine Loomis-Dietz - Sharon Louden - Jim Loveless - David Mackenzie - Lisa Mackie - David Mann - Susan Manspeizer - Neil Marshall - Steve McCallum - Bob Melzmuf - Creighton Michael - Marjorie Minkin - Tom Moran - Clarence Morgan - Juri Morioka - Lucretia Moroni - Mary Morrison - Nabil Nahas - Irene Neal - Elias Newman - Kenneth Noland - Judy North - Lauren Olitski - Graham Peacock - Gina Pierleoni - Carl Plansky - Larry Poons - Mark Raush - Lynda Ray - Tony Robbin - Merle Rosen - Susan Roth - Kikuo Saito - Peter Saul - Elinore Schnurr - Judith Schwab - Yolanda Sharpe - Bonell Silverman - Terry Slade - Sandi Stone - Teresa Stanley - Kathleen Staples - Susanna Starr - Carol Sutton - Kate Timm - Mike Townsend - June Tyler - Reinhard Voigt - Ann Walsh - James Walsh - Chuck Webster - Frank Webster - Jerald Webster - Carolynne Whitefeather - Mason Williams & Sheri Hoeger - Lori Wilson - Jamie Wyeth - Leigh Yardley - Phil Young - Charles Hossein Zenderoudi