Golden Artist Colors Launches Color Mixing Set Based on Modern Theory
February 10, 2012
The New Modern Theory Color Mixing Set from GOLDEN provides the ideal starting place as you begin to assemble your aesthetic approach to colors and painting. Based on a selection of Organic (Modern) pigments, this set allows you to mix a wide range of remarkably clean and intense color blends that retain their brilliance even in the thinnest wash or glaze. This set provides one of the most complete resources to begin to understand pigments and their mixtures.
The eight color Modern Theory Color Mixing Set contains primarily organic colors that provide a warm and cool selection from each hue space, plus Phthalo Green and Titanium White.
Also included in the set is the Modern Color Mixing Guide, with proportion suggestions to walk you though color exploration and the development of color mixtures. This valuable resource illustrates the wide range of modern mixtures that can be achieved using a limited palette of just eight colors.
If you're interested in color mixing and what's possible with this new set specifically, you may want to take a look at our most recent issue (#26) of the Just Paint newsletter ( The feature article, written by GOLDEN Certified Working Artist Program Director Patti Brady, details a number of different mixing scenarios and the excitement of discovery as you work with this new palette.
You can expect to see this new set at your local art supply retailer beginning in March.
For questions about the new Modern Theory Color Mixing set or any of the colors in the set, please contact Technical Support Services at [email protected] or by calling 800-959-6543 / 607-847-6154 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST.