Discontinuation of Garnet Gel
June 01, 2009
Finding a consistent supply of raw materials for Garnet Gel was always difficult, particularly with the coarse and extra coarse grits. In 2006 the color of Garnet Gel (Extra Coarse) changed significantly and required us to switch to a different supplier, then similar problems arose with Garnet Gel (Coarse).
Upon careful review and with consideration for continued raw material supply and consistency problems, we decided not to move forward on a coarse grit replacement and to discontinue production of all grits of Garnet Gel, effective at the end of 2008.
With the elimination of these products, we thought it important to offer suggestions for creating textures similar to Garnet Gel using products that are currently available. Here are a couple Texture Equivalents:
-- Garnet Gel (Fine) = Coarse Alumina
1:1 Regular Gel (Gloss)
-- Garnet Gel (Coarse) = Clear Granular Gel
If you have any questions on these, or other GOLDEN products, please contact our Materials and Applications Specialists by emailing [email protected] or by calling 1 800 959 6543 or 607 847 6154.