
Oils over Acrylics


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Golden Artist Colors recommends using oils over harder, matte acrylic surfaces and avoiding softer gels and gloss products to optimize adhesion and prevent potential cracking as oil paints become more brittle (Source ID: multiple articles). While there have been no reported adhesion problems, recent testing has shown potential cracking in certain instances when applying artist oils over glossy acrylics (Source ID: multiple articles). It is also recommended to avoid leaving sharp points or peaks when oils are applied over acrylics, as the acrylic will remain flexible and might put the oils at risk of cracking as they age (Source ID: article 4). Additionally, it is suggested to allow the acrylic to dry for at least three days when skimmed very thin, and up to several weeks for thicker applications before painting with oils (Source ID: article 4). It's worth noting that oils can be used over acrylics, but acrylics are not compatible over oil paints (Source ID: article 8). For more information, Golden Artist Colors provides guidelines and recommendations for using oils over acrylics, which can be found on their website (Source ID: article 4).

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